About Goodville Mennonite Church

Who We Are


We’re a group of people that worship together at the Mennonite Church in Goodville.  We’re right along route 23 in the middle of town, next to the former Rutt Williams complex.

We believe in God as the highest authority, and trust in Jesus Christ who died for our sins because of God’s love for everyone.  We take our understanding of Him from the Bible.

Currently about 50 or so attend our regular service on Sunday morning.  Sunday School starts at 9 am and runs to about 9:50.  It’s a great informal time to connect with friends, drink coffee and laugh together.

From 10 to 11 am is a relaxed traditional service that includes singing, sharing prayer requests, an opportunity to share in an offering and a sermon.

We consider ourselves a church family, young and old alike.  Our two Pastors and Deacon are part time, working through the week in concrete construction and diesel mechanics.  We’d love to have you come visit, everyone is welcome to come and worship with us.  You don’t have to be a Mennonite to feel welcome here!

To find us, you can just drive through Goodville on Route 23 or Google us for a map.  You can park anywhere in the lot.  Enter through the doors at the back of the church and head straight up the wide steps.  Grab a seat in any pew.  If you decide to come to Sunday School, enter through the doors at the back and go down the small flight of steps.  It’s like a split foyer.  We’ll connect you with the right classes from there.  After 9 am classes have started so there may not be anyone floating around- best to show up a bit before 9.  Hope to see you there!